Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Team Work

The fellows are preparing for the closing ceremony held April 27, 2010 at the Nittany Lion Inn. It is hard to believe this year's program is winding down. Many of the fellows are preparing to leave Penn State to start working at their professional affiliations. Fellows will be going to Washington, DC, New York City, NY, Boston, MA, Bloomington, IN, Eugene, OR, and Harrisburg, PA. Today we are enjoying summer like weather......hope it continues!

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows joined this year's German Teachers on their annual trip to Philadelphia, Pa. This is a intensive three week program hosted by the College of Education. Nine Humphrey Fellows had the chance to interact with the visiting scholars while enjoying the "City of Brotherly Love", Philadelphia, PA. The group visited the Science Leadership Academy which is part of the Philadelpia City Public School system. Many took in the Picasso exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art while others walked through the historical sites.
The group met to tour the National Constitution Center hosted by two lawyers from the PA Bar Association. The weather was beautiful! The program appreciates the opportunity to spend this time in Philadelphia and with the German teachers.